JoinedMarch 18, 2018
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ What happens if your imaginary friend is full of homicidal suggestions? Daniel Isn't Real is a trippy tale of psychological breakdown and showcases two actors from proud Hollywood family legacies giving great performances
★★★★1/2 out of ★★★★★ Samara Weaving has a powerful star-making turn in this riotously enjoyable bloodbath of a film. Ready or Not is full of memorable characters, deft humor, and an intense nail-chewing plot.
Film Festival season is still going strong, and there's a really good one coming up in scenic Provo, Utah! FilmQuest is going to be unleashing thirteen feature films and, WOW, 76 short films! It's short film horror heaven!
Welcome to Burkittsville! I hope you brought a map with you, because the 20th Anniversary of the film is upon us, and The Blair Witch Experience will let you retrace the steps of Heather, Mike, and Josh. Hopefully, you'll come back from the experience alive.
They kidnapped the wrong person for sport. Betty Gilpin (Glow) gets a starring turn in the upcoming human safari film, The Hunt. And we've got TWO trailers for you, one with zero spoilers, and another one which reveals some big plot points.
Witness the worst-case wedding scenario as Samara Weaving has to survive a game of hide-and-seek in her new in-law's palatial mansion.
Robert Eggers is back at it again, with another grim-looking period piece in glorious black and white. The trailer oozes with foreboding and brooding melancholy and stars Willem Dafoe and Robert (Batman) Pattinson.
★★1/2 out of ★★★★★ Trench warfare in World War I was an ugly scene. It just got uglier in the worm-infested zombie-ish horror flick Trench 11.
Don't let your impairments hold you back. It's time to channel your inner Zatoichi and go kick some monster ass! We celebrate the 29th anniversary of the ADA with a look at 25 impactful movies featuring characters with disabilities.
The Hitcher has passed away at age 75. One of the great character actors, and best screen villains of his generation, has died following a short battle with illness.
★★★ out of ★★★★★ Still Life, with horror and dread. Sator is both an artistic triumph but also a difficult movie to get into. The film is elegant, quiet, and cold to the point of aloofness, but there is some very potent material if you are patient.
The Horror Festival is in full swing, and on August 8-16 (An EIGHT DAY festival) our friends at Popcorn Frights are presenting a bevy of great films for you to catch. Some we've seen, some we'll screen, but our recommendation? Go to the festival and have your own little... SCREAM! (Rhymes! YES!)
🐊🐊🐊🐊1/2 out of 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊 CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP! Crawl is a superb summertime survival horror flick, with characters who you really root for, with an adrenaline-packed plot full of aggressive alligators. CHOMP!
Damned Yankees indeed! This quasi-documentary short film chronicles the last death that happened on the field in Major League Baseball and indicts the New York Yankees as being a satanic cult hit job that used pitcher Carl Mays to kill Cleveland Indian star Ray Chapman with a beanball, forever changing the fortunes of both franchises.
The 2019 Portland Horror Film Festival is now in the Scariest rear view mirror, and it was an absolute blast to attend. It is a Mecca for great horror shorts and a true fan festival of the first order.
★★★ out of ★★★★★ Ugly, vulgar, obnoxious, and totally entertaining. Meatball Machine has perfected the low-brow J-Horror splatter-fest. You don't get more gonzo than this!

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