Horror journalist Joseph Perry mixes in some Thrills (He is certainly a big David Lynch fan) with his Scares in his top 25 list.  And yes, he's ready for "That's Not a Horror Movie!"  Hot take!
Welcome aboard all our new visitors from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar! (Wow... Myanmar?) The Scariest Things would like to know if there's anything good and scary from your region.
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ No not THAT Frozen!  A surprisingly solid under-the-radar survival horror piece, that has plausibility plastered all over it.  
★★★★ out of ★★★★★

Intensity: 🩸 out of 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

Don Quixote meets Jack and the Beanstalk meets Calvin and Hobbes in this poignant gateway dark fantasy film.

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