★★★★ out of ★★★★★ The perfect metaphor/antidote to 2020. Well-meaning people set out to change the world, lessen their foot print, and revel in their own brainy viewpoint. Only to be horrifically outdone by the unplanned mysteries of mother nature and her largely uncaring and brutish ways. Devolution is exists in a very real space with very real consequences. It's everything that 2020 has offered. From the hopefully earnest to the horrifically primal.
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ The haunted house story is a tried and true horror trope, but what if the house was not only haunted by the ghosts of the past, but by shadowy figures from the future, too? That's exactly what appears to be happening in the crumbling mansion at the center of this story.
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ “We could devote our lives to making sense of the odd, the inexplicable, the coincidental, but most of us don’t. And neither did I.”
★★★★  out of ★★★★★ Heavy subject. Breezy presentation. That’s really the brilliance of Clay McLeod Chapman. The ability to pick apart a heady emotional construct in a way that’s engaging, insightful, and most of all frightening!
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ A determined novel that spans multiple time frames and plumb near covers every last aspect horror genre -- except for UFOs and Bigfoot. That might sound like a stretch, but it ain’t. There’s witches. There’s ghouls. There’s 1970s grindhouse lore. There’s the conventions and their inevitable fan-boy hangers on.  There’s even true crime podcasters. This book covers it all. Maybe that’s a good thing and maybe it’s not. 
★★★★★ No matter whether you are a well-read aficionado of Forteana and high strangeness or a newcomer to the world of extraterrestrials, cryptids, and supernatural occurrences, Zelia Edgar's debut book Just Another Tin Foil Hat Presents is a delightful, entertaining read.
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ The rise of the podcast generation paired with a nation’s emerging fascination with rampant conspiracy theories is the perfect backdrop for a horrifying and mercurial folk tale. In both the case of podcasts and conspiracies people don’t stop until they’ve reached the ever-loving bottom of the barrel. The problem is these barrels have no bottoms.
★★.5 out of ★★★★★ This was a herculean task. The public’s mind was so ensconced and involved with the original 1977 novel and the equally transformative 1980 film, that it was hard to envision a story line that would perpetuate this seemingly finite tale. In a classic case of “never say never” esteemed author Stephen King decided that it was time to give Danny Torrance his day in the sun.
★★★★ out of ★★★★★ The Cthulhu Mythos gets a spin from current horror writers, in the way that Lovecraftian tales should be told, in an anthology. There's a lot of variety packed into this compilation and features some notable writers, including Neil Gaiman, John Langan, and Joe R. Lansdale.

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