Joseph’s Book Review: Just Another Tin Foil Hat Presents

★★★★★ out of ★★★★★

I was a precocious reader as a kid and a voracious young consumer of books about UFOs, cryptids, and what I would later learn was called high strangeness, and that interest followed me into adulthood, including the present. It turns out that Just Another Tin Foil Hat YouTuber Zelia Edgar followed a similar path as a youngster, which led to her becoming a paranormal researcher with her aforementioned YouTube channel and now her excellent debut book, Just Another Tin Foil Hat Presents (Beyond the Fray Publishing). Chock full of weird, wild, and sometimes wacky incidents of both the classic and more obscure variety, this delightful and thoroughly entertaining book is a showcase for Edgar’s witty, incisive takes on subjects from extraterrestrial pancakes to unexplained creature sightings and beyond.  

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From such well-known cases as Momo the Missouri Monster and the Enfield Horror to more obscure incidents that I will allow future readers of the book to discover for themselves, Edgar presents these unexplained mysteries with all of the wry humor and in-depth research and analysis that she displays in her YouTube videos. As a student of John Keel, Jacques Vallee, and the like, she makes intriguing connections between sometimes seemingly different cases.

Just Another Tin Foil Hat Presents, published in January of this year and available to order here, is a superb read for those who are already aficionados of the offbeat as well as a fine introduction for newcomers of any age to the Fortean and fantastic, including, like Zelia and yours truly were, youngsters with vivid imaginations and keen senses of wonder.

Edgar is a young person with a vast knowledge of the paranormal research field, and hopefully this is just the first of many books from her. No matter how familiar you might be with some of the topics she tackles, you haven’t read about them in her inimitable style.

Review by Joseph Perry

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