Happy Thanksgiving from The Scariest Things!

Scary DVDs! Woo!
That’s right! It’s a face-hugger turkey! The Cthurkey craze has inspired folks to come up with some pretty dreadful Thanksgiving feast options, including this here monstrosity. Make sure to drain this of acid blood before serving. These images may make you want to think twice before cutting into the celebratory roast this year.

So, how do you stuff this thing? And, is this a self-basting face-hugger? The traditional treatment for a Cthurkey seems to be to use bacon strips. I would recommend a nice white wine with this, maybe a Riesling or a Pinot Blanc. I hear the eggs are the tastiest part of a face-hugger turkey. Delicious!

The Scariest Things went around the web looking for the best (worst) way to present your Thanksgiving roast. That Turkey meat bear sure looks tempting! Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm! I believe that turkey bear is real, as is the Cthurkey, and perhaps the Half-Life turkey… the rest… not so rea

Have a safe Holiday to all our friends in the USA!

Hurrrfffff… gak! Ewwww. After reviewing these preparations, maybe it’s best to be a vegan.

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