The Scariest Things Podcast Episode 139: The Worst Horror Films of 2021

Scary DVDs! Woo!
This about sums up this episode!
This is the annual ritual of summarizing the year that was. We first celebrate the best of the year, and then we have to get real. Not everything was worth your time when it comes to scary movies last year. We don’t enjoy doing this, but we have to name names. Welcome to Episode 139 where we dish out what wasn’t good in 2021.

It gets said fairly often in end-of-the-year rankings and ratings that when it comes down to discussing the worst films, our site is a non-profit, doing-it-for-fun hobby. And as such, we don’t feel obligated to watch every horror movie that gets offered up, or looks like it’s going to suck before we hit play or step through the theater doors. As such, we tend to watch what we want to watch, and we end up with a most disappointing list, as some of these films we had great expectations, and the films dropped the proverbial ball.

As is inevitable for this sort of list, we have to roll out the reboots and the sequels that don’t live up to the pedigree, as well as independent films that weren’t ready for their turn in the spotlight. It’s a shame we have to do this really. But we ALSO know that our audience like a little bit of shade to be thrown so as to keep our fans aware of movies to be wary of. And let’s face it, some of you like a bit of ripping on films…

This past year marked the return of a lot of big movies that were highly anticipated that were held back by the pandemic, so we got a number of big studio movies that were waiting for a more profitable release date. Some, like A Quiet Place II, Candyman, The Forever Purge and Antlers really lived up to the expectations. Others, not so much. It also seemed like the opposite was true for independent horror films, as some of our favorite festivals were left trying to select from a comparably smaller and weaker pool of indie offerings this year, and that was evident in some of our offerings from this past year.

Here is a preview of our list, below. So, do you agree with our picks? Some of them will be a bit controversial. Give our podcast a listen and hear our criticisms, and then let us know if we are truthtellers or have no taste in movies. Either way, join the debate!

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