The Scariest Things Podcast Episode CX: Our Halloween Favorites!

ATMOSfx! Woo!

Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me movies to repeat! It’s that time of year, to binge scary films. The Scariest Things recommends some highly thematic Halloweeny films for you to watch while you eat your (or your kid’s) excess candy.

It’s the mooooost wonderful time of the year! And no, it’s not Christmas! It’s All Hallows Eve, indisputably the most fun holiday of the year, and a holiday-worthy to stand on its own for a Podcast Episode. We have covered the other holidays in our Episode 83: Holiday Horror, but Halloween has so many horror movies that we had to create a stand-alone podcast. The one caveat behind this episode, we had to choose Halloween films that are NOT part of the John Carpenter Halloween lineage. You will not find Michael Myers or Laurie Strode mentioned in our recording. That’s really low hanging fruit.

We also know that a lot of you are in scary movie binge mode, to get you into the Halloween spirit. We’ve dug up some wonderful under-seen gems, and are also going to make sure you have your essential Halloween fare covered. Some great gateway films for the young ‘uns, some sleazy fare for the not young ‘uns, and some artistic gems that you might have missed.

So, go grab a bag of fun-size candy bars (we won’t judge), put on your sexy witch costume (again, no judgment.) Enjoy this season to its fullest by watching as many scary movies as you can. (Take time off from work, still, no judgment!) 2020 has been an awful year, and scary movies will help take the edge off of things. We know.

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