The Scariest Things Podcast: Episode XCIII: Terror at Six Feet A.K.A. Pandemic Horror

Fangoria! Woo!
This is, shall we say, the horror trope of the moment. As we all sit at home and pick what we want to watch streaming from the comfort of our living rooms, a lot of us have been fascinated with the horror that is contagious.

How are you doing? Feeling OK? We sure hope so. And we hope you are following all the social distancing rules. No going to the beach! Even we at the Scariest Things Podcast are taking the proper precautions, with Mike now recording remotely from the concrete bunker that is his condominium. One thing we know now… we need a new microphone for Mike. He’s not underwater, honest.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, we have compiled a HUGE Dead List that describes 44 movies about your favorite contagious diseases. We figure by the time that you finish watching all of these movies, (and reading the entire list), it will have taken so long that we’ll be past the coronavirus, so you can pop your head out the door at that point.

So get ready for some discussions about that nasty condition that you don’t want to catch, with our Episode 93!

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