The Scariest Things Podcast Episode 161: The Worst Horror Movies of 2022

ATMOSfx! Woo!


Well, we put it off just a little bit. Just to let the smell die down a bit, I suppose. But not all was great in the genre in 2022. In fact, there were some fairly significant STINKERS. We already told you what we thought was the best. Then we told you what we were looking forward to in 2023. And, that leaves us with having to throw some shade and recount what we didn’t like so much in the year 2022. And, to be fair, some of these movies aren’t so much poorly made than disappointing.

We are spreading the blame this year. The big studios and their underwhelming sequels and reboots seem to happen every year. To be fair, there were some really impressive reboots and sequels in 2022, so the big studios did reward us with films that impressed us. The indie films had a fair share that couldn’t find good enough actors or cohesive plots. This too, is a common occurrence: Inexperienced and untested filmmakers with limited budgets. Unfortunately, there are also a couple of movies that proved to be well-made, but reprehensible given the times we live in.

It can be fun to bag on bad movies. But remember, we had to sit through these for you so that you won’t have to! We can laugh about it now, but if it were not for our duty to watch as many horror movies as we can to get you some good advice, we have to take it for the team on occasion. These movies, at a minimum, disappoint greatly, and at worst will make you turn off your TV, and make you wish you could get that time back.

Consider yourselves warned. You may be intrigued by our commentary because you may be hoping for a “so bad it’s good” film. I don’t think we’ve got any candidates here for that. The good news? There were a LOT of horror movies released in 2022, and more of them were good than bad. You can check out our recommendations of the best movies TO SEE in Episode 159: The Best Horror Films of 2022.

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