The Scariest Things Podcast: Spooky Time with The Scariest Things

Scary DVDs! Woo!

The Scariest Things has taken a New Year’s Resolution, and that is to get you more streaming content… and wait for it… VIDEO Content! Yes, we are going to be posting this to YouTube as well. The idea here is to do Spooky Time, a short format, quick-hitting spot where we can talk about reviews, news, and musings of recent horror offerings.

Full confession: The audio feed had some really messy audio dynamics in the WAV file, with the dynamic range being all over the map. The video content sounds great though, so you can watch and listen to that, and we will endeavor to improve the audio feed. Think of this all in the pioneering spirit to get you, our listeners more content, and this time with moving pictures!

We recognize that sometimes it feels like we don’t get our content as often as we’d like, so we are aiming to use Spooky Time so you will get weekly rather than bi-weekly content. And, as a bonus, we’re going to be ramping up the YouTube Feed, and we will be looking for other ways to utilize video as a means to get you more scary content!

Enjoy the Spooky Time!

Here is the Video Feed:

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