The Scariest Things Podcast Episode CIV: Horror Collaborations

Scary DVDs! Woo!
The Fabulous Boulet Brothers the star hosts and producers of Dragula.
We all know that horror movies are not the work of a single individual. That the production is a team effort. In many cases, these collaborative partnerships become long-lasting and reflect upon the skills and efforts of two (or a few) closely collaborating individuals that become forever linked together, and The Scariest Things takes a look at some of our favorites.

Cushing, Price, and Lee. Raimi and Campbell. The Soska Sisters. Lugosi and Karloff. Carpenter and Russell. Carpenter and Curtis. Romero and Savini. Some pairings were just meant to be, and you can rarely think of one without the other. These are not uncommon in the rest of Hollywood, but there is definitely “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” mentality in the horror genre.

The familiarity allows for continued success, and the most interesting pairings and relationships are the ones that don’t repeat themselves, where you see the collaborations grow from previous efforts. The collaborations come in many forms. It’s not just the roles that these participants play, but also what their personal relationships are. Directors and writers. Actors with other actors. Directors and their favorite actors. Siblings. Spouses. Mentors and apprentices. Here are some of our favorites:

We could easily have done a TOP 20 list out of this. As we have mentioned there as so many ways to explore the nature of film collaboration. Here are some other notable pairings and groupings that made history in the horror genre:

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